2017: A Year in Review

Hey hobbits!  I have been a terrible blogger this Fall/Winter.  I have been a busy bee and, unfortunately, the blog suffered for it.  There's a lot in the queue but I just never got around to putting pen to paper, to turn a phrase.  I hope to change that in 2018.  For now, let's look back at 2017 together...

The year began on a sour note with the swearing in of the dumbest man-child to ever run a business, let alone a country and he's doing a fine job...of running it into the ground.  I have a lot of political posts in my blog and a lot about him, so I won't say anything else here.  You can search my blog if you want to read about the Cheeto.

On to the good...


After 20 years, I left the Haugh Performing Arts Center.  I had a wonderful time there but, I often held myself back from bigger projects out of a sense of loyalty.  In March, someone pushed me over the edge and gave me a reason to leave.

I moved on to the Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation as their Production Manager for a brief stint.  I didn't particularly care for the way it was run and my time with them ended.

This allowed me to focus on something that always got pushed to the back burner, AF Braggins Weddings and Events.  I wish I did it years ago.  Outside of consistent weddings and events, I took on a major contract with a business I believe in and our two companies are now growing together.

I am finally, truly happy.  Sure, I would go back, if asked, and do a gig here and there at the Haugh or the APAC and I do, indeed, still take on the occasional performing arts gig, because it's hard to kick a habit.  One of my favorite gigs is lighting the Garey High School Orchestra concerts twice a year.  Design is my true passion and weddings and lighting help me live it.


My wife and I have been together nearly 10 years now and married for nearly 3.  She is my partner in more ways than one and I couldn't ask for a better companion to journey through space and time with.

My kids are...old.  My youngest is officially a teenager and my oldest is 17 and drives.  Maybe I am the old one, who knows?

We, as a family, have annual passes to Six Flags that include free parking and free meals.  My youngest is finally getting into the coasters and on a recent trip, did his first looping coaster and rode it 3 times.

My family makes me so very proud.  I couldn't ask for better kids or a more perfect wife!


My wife and I went to Arizona for a business trip early in the year.  It was her first road trip and we loved it.  You can read about it here.

We made several little day trips throughout the year.  You can read about most of them here.

We took the boys on their first cruise, along with my parents.  You can read about it here.  Everyone is hooked and our next cruise for next August is already booked.

Entertainment and Fun

We went to more new wineries and breweries than I can count and we got to watch some of the best comic book movies ever made!  I got to help two of my closest friends get married.  2017 was pretty awesome for me personally.

On to the bad...

Did I Mention?

Trump is President?  There were more mass shootings this year than I care to admit.  The country is full of hate.  Too many deaths to think about.

OK, I am going to stop there because I can feel my typing getting angry.

Back to the future...

I hope 2018 gets better for our country.  I hope my company continues to grow.  I hope my family is happy and healthy.  I hope to share a pint with you.

There was a lot of stuff in 2017 and you should just scroll back through the blog to read about the rest or my Twitter feed or my Facebook...oh yeah, a fluke found me back on Facebook.

Don't be a stranger, ok?

Happy New Year!