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You're in a safe place now... |
I couldn't stomach more than a few minutes. I moved over to my Google news feed and I read about the protests going on around the world because a "leader" that less than half of us voted for has been elected. I read about the naive people claiming there's still hope he won't be elected by the Electoral College. More importantly, I read about the white school children taunting their Latino classmates with chants of "Build That Wall!". I read about the African-American Veteran that deserves every ounce of your gratitude being denied his veterans benefits at a Chili's because another customer (read: Trump supporter) doesn't like black people. I read about the graffiti vandalizing churches and schools with messages of hate.
I hear that my Muslim family members receive stares of hatred at stores. I hear of my gay friends talking of suicide because of the hateful messages they receive. I hear the fear in my female friend's voices over whether they are safe walking down a street.
Why am I writing today? Because there is a huge disconnect between why the liberals are protesting and why the conservatives think we should get over it. We are not protesting Trump getting elected. I know it looks like we are, but we're not. We're not afraid of a misogynistic, sexist, racist, hate and fear mongering, Cheeto. We know he's not going to take away the marriage certificates of gay couples. We know he's not going to ban Muslims from America. We know he's not building his wall between us and Mexico. He can't do any of those things. For over 200 years, our country has put into place systems to prevent a dictatorship from occurring. If you voted for Trump because you actually thought he could do any of that crap he promised, you're an idiot. I am sorry, it's true.
That's not why we're afraid. We are afraid because 49% of voting America thinks he can do those things and more. 49% of voting America thinks gay people don't deserve the rights of straight people because Trump/Pence said so. 49% of voting America thinks Mexicans are rapists because Trump said so. 49% of voting America thinks Muslims are terrorists because Trump said so. 49% of voting America thinks you can grab a woman by the pussy because Trump said so.
We're afraid because his campaign has created a mentality that some people are better than others. His campaign has triggered an attitude of entitlement. His campaign has bred hatred and racism and sexism.
Let me be clear. I am a straight, white, male. I have nothing to fear from those assholes that think I am a part of their master race. I am afraid for my young cousin that receives hateful stares shopping for traditional Muslim clothing. I am afraid for my sister-in-law and her girlfriend that can't spend holidays with family because of the hateful bigotry they vote for. I am afraid for every woman in my life that can't feel safe walking alone.
It's not that we needed Hillary to win. We needed to send a message to uneducated America that bigotry and hate and misogyny and racism are not okay. We needed Trump to lose so that minority still trapped in the 1800's would know that we won't stand for it. If you voted for Trump, you failed this country. You failed your Muslim brother and his family. You failed your bisexual daughter. You failed your female colleagues. You failed your Hispanic friends. You failed me.
No. We won't give Trump a chance. That's what campaigning is. He had his chance. We didn't buy it.
No. We won't get over it. There is a real threat to people I love and that has to do with his supporters. You voted for this.
I will wear my safety pin proudly so that every Muslim, Mexican, LGBTQ, Woman, POC, and Human knows that they are in a safe space with me. I will wear it to show the uneducated, blind followers that their brand of hatred doesn't fly. I will fight, not for my rights, but for theirs. I am an ally and that's what the protests are about. That's why we are angry. You failed and we must now pick up your slack.
I don't fear a Trump Presidency. I am not moving to Canada. I will not get over it. I fear the uneducated racists that voted for him. I fear you for being too blind to see this coming. You failed your family. You failed your daughters and sons. You failed your friends. You failed your future.
That's the disconnect. You think this has to do with that asshole you elected. You think you're not copable. You think you don't have to take responsibility for the danger you put my family and my friends in.
I will not move on. I will fight. I will stand. I will represent.
I am a snowflake and tomorrow, you'll be up to your neck in frost.
I am a crybaby and tomorrow, you'll drown in my tears.
Call me what you want but a storm is coming.
I am an ally and you can be damn sure I won't just get over it.
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