Top Episodes: Friends

I have been watching this show for 22 years and it still holds up.  This is one of those shows that I have seen every episode at least 15 times or so.  This is the show I have most often fallen asleep to at night because it is a comforting show.  It may look a little dated today but I assure you that it's the most real sitcom out there.  Friends is a perfect show.

I'll be there for you...

I find it hard to point to a single bad episode of this series.  And you younger kids will call it a rip off of How I Met Your Mother, but remember kids, this came way earlier.  Since this show is so good, I am going to desperately try to limit the top episodes to two per season.

Season 1, Episode 5: The One with the East German Laundry Detergent

Ross and Rachel, in a nutshell.  I love this episode for it's simplicity.  How can doing laundry be romantic?  Watch and find out!

Season 1, Episode 24: The One Where Rachel Finds Out

Yes, she finds out Ross has a huge crush on her and it's a suddenly real series with real implications.

Season 2, Episode 7: The One Where Ross Finds Out

6 months we waited and finally it happens.  I remember cheering, even in high school!

Season 2, Episode 14: The One with the Prom Video

After the turmoil between that first kiss and now, the kiss at the end of this one is even more powerful.  It seems they might finally make it!

Season 3, Episode 8: The One with the Giant Poking Device

Seeing a vulnerable Chandler makes him more than a comedy sidekick.  This is a great episode.

Season 3, Episode 15: The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break

The episode that started it all.  For the record, I side with Ross.  He thought they were broken up.  It's reasonable.

Season 4, Episode 8: The One with Chandler in a Box

He's in a box guys...on's fantastic!

Season 4, Episode 12: The One with the Embryos

This is my all-time favorite episode because of the game between Joey/Chandler and Monica/Rachel.  Yes I have all the answers memorized, even today.

Season 5, Episode 8: The One with All the Thanksgivings

The gang fondly, or not so fondly remembers Thanksgivings past.  This episode is special to me because of reasons.

Season 5, Episode 9: The One with Ross's Sandwich

My Sandwich?  MY Sandwich?  MYYYY SANDWIIIIICH?!?!?!?!

Season 5, Episode 14: The One Where Everybody Finds Out

So I lied.  Season 5 is great.  This episode is hilarious.  My eyes!  MY EYES!!!

Season 6, Episode 9: The One Where Did Gets High

The last 5 minutes of this episode are stunningly hilarious. "That's a lot of information to get in 30 seconds..."

Season 6, Episodes 15-16: The One That Could Have Been

A look at where the show may have gone had the 1st episode not happened.  A fun theory.

Season 6, Episodes 24-25: The One with the Proposal

I dare you not to cry.

Season 7, Episode 10: The One with the Holiday Armadillo

This is my second favorite episode of the series.  I cannot stop laughing.

Season 7, Episodes 23-24: The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding

I think this is one of the best television wedding episodes ever.  It doesn't focus on the ceremony but the behind the scene hijinks.

Season 8, Episodes 23-24: The One Where Rachel Has a Baby

How?  How do you mistake a proposal that badly?

Season 9, Episodes 23-24: The One in Barbados

Joey and Charley, Phoebe and David, Monica and Chandler, Ross and Charley, Joey and Rachel, Phoebe and Mike, Chandler and Weird Al!

Season 10, Episode 12: The One with Phoebe's Wedding

As a wedding planner, this episode is hilariously accurate.

Season 10, Episodes 17-18: The Last One

Yes, I cry...every time.  Every. Time.


  1. Ross's sandwich is one of my all time favorite Friends moments.
