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A Trash Bag Train Wreck |
Trash Bags and Train Wrecks.
Trash Bags
A Trash Bag is a person that has no basis of humanity. A person that cares only about themselves with no realization about the consequences of their actions. Rarely, this is unknown to the Trash Bag, but most of the time, the Trash Bag is fully aware they are a total moron.
Notable examples of a Trash Bag are:
The person on Facebook that always has a story about how their similar circumstance is worse. You know him. You post about feeling under the weather and he comments about how he once broke his leg as a child and now it acts up this time of year.
The person that uses you at every turn. You know the person. She never makes time for you unless she can benefit somehow. You needed a friend or parent or mentor once and she was nowhere to be found but as soon as she needed your help redecorating or moving or hanging up something, she is back in your life.
The person that thinks anybody else's life has a direct effect on them. You know the kind. He actively campaigns against gay marriage because he "disagrees" with it as though two gay people in love somehow negates his own love.
The person that makes everything in YOUR life about them. I know you know this person. She is terrible. Every single choice you make in your life is most certainly about them. In fact, they are reading this right now and angrily getting ready to comment because I am obviously talking about them. If the shoe fits...am I right?
Let me let you trash bags in on a little fact. If you read something and your first reaction is to assume that it was written directly about you, you may need to look at your life. That's a YOU problem, not a ME problem.
And finally,
The person that is Donald Trump or voted for him. The epitome of Trash Bag. The person that actively and completely supports, directly or indirectly, the genocide of the Muslim religion, the rights removal of the LGBTQ community, and the complete and total approved racism against POC.
Train Wrecks
A Train Wreck is someone that has no self control. I don't mean that one day that you ate too much candy. I don't mean that week you drank a lot. I mean the total and complete lack of self control in a way that it negatively impacts your life for ANY given period of time. That is to say that you make choices that adversely impacts other choices you make.
Notable Train Wrecks include:
The person that allows themselves to be used by a Trash Bag. You know. You willingly allow Trash Bags to get away with the behaviors because you're too nice to stop it.
The person that hoards. You've seen them on that show on cable. Yes, it can be classified as a disorder. I am not talking about disease. I am talking about those that spend money on crap they really don't need in a way that prevents them from purchasing basic life needs.
The person that is regularly late for everything. You know them. They always have an excuse. At some point, being late goes from being a mistake to being a pattern of behavior. At some point that late person goes from being a Train Wreck to becoming a Trash Bag.
The person that regularly posts a problem on Facebook. Nobody has that many problems without being a problem themselves. There is a lot in life you can change if you try.
Trash Bags and Train Wrecks
There are a few people in your life that are both. Those are the people you need to remove from your life. Allowing them to continually get away with their pattern of behavior is becoming somewhat of a Trash Bag yourself.
Everything you do in life is either an excuse or it isn't. Literally. Read that sentence again and spend two minutes contemplating it's meaning.
I have excised a few Trash Bags and Train Wrecks from my life. It's refreshing because you deserve better than that in your life.
Trash Bags and Train Wrecks don't really care about you.
And that's what really dries my sack.
Question: Sometimes I feel like I have the mindset of a train wreck, and other times I feel like a B.A.M.F; Do you have any advice on not having the shitty mindset?
ReplyDeleteIf you have the cognitive ability to recognize that mindset, your not a train wreck. If, on occasion, you demonstrate the attributes of a train wreck, take appropriate action to change that behavior.