Who Am I? A Production Stage Manager

Welcome to my ongoing section about who I am.  Each post will contain just one segment of my life.  This is a way for you, my reader, to get to know me for more than the blogger on the internet that complains about Trump. Why name the series "Who Am I?"  Simple.  I love Les Miserables.  "Who Am I?" is my favorite song from my favorite musical.  So, who am I?  I am...
They had no booth and no wing space so we built a place for me to call the show from INSIDE the set.

...a production stage manager.

OK, technically, I am lumping 3 jobs into this post because I timed my posts so that my 100th landed on March 1st.  That's another story, never mind.

I am including:

Production Manager

Production Stage Manager

Stage Manager

Yes, those are three different jobs and yes, I am all 3.

Let's start with stage manager.  That means I call a show.  It means I can read music, count dance, and juggle many things in the air.  It means that nothing moves or changes in a particular show unless I say "GO!".  It means that I jump from one production to the next, learning the show, sometimes in a few hours, and then putting together the puzzle, then assigning crew to complete the puzzle for an audience.

A production stage manager generally oversees other stage managers and multiple productions at a time.  A lot of this job involves back office paperwork, scheduling, and training of others.  Of course, these two titles are interchangeable depending on the production because, why wouldn't they be?

I am also a production manager.  This is almost entirely office work.  It means I schedule productions and put together contracts for clients and talent and crew and vendors alike.  I am the interface between client and venue.  I advance shows.

Yes I am all 3, separately and together, depending on the venue and the production.

If you need any of the three or all of the three, visit my website!

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