The Big Problem with HIMYM That Nobody Talks About

I have written a lot of blog posts about How I Met Your Mother and I show no signs of slowing down.  I have written about Top Musical Moments, The Murtaugh List, Top Holiday Episodes, and Top Episodes.  It's no secret that I love the show.  I always chuckle at the people that whine about how the last season was handled.

Everyone likes to complain about the Mother and her story arc.  I loved it.  I don't care what you say, I loved it.

I loved the entire last season.  I know it contains two of the lowest rated episodes of the series, which both were just fine.

I know there are a few continuity issues from earlier seasons, which can easily be explained by the fact that Ted is telling this very long and very detailed story to his kids many many years after the fact and I want you to tell a long ass story with that much detail and get it perfect 20 years later.

Sure, you could complain about any of those things if you're incapable of suspending disbelief or using your imagination.

No, those are all completely okay "flaws" and if you want the story to end differently, become a writer, write and produce your own 9 season television show on a major network and end it any way you want.

The real, huge, terrible flaw across 9 seasons of an otherwise amazing show does occur in the final season.  In fact, it occurs near the very end of that final season.

The biggest problem with the entire series is...

...the casting of Tracey Ullman as Robin's mother.

I love Tracey.  I think she is talented as all get out, but as a CANADIAN, she is terrible.  It's like we're supposed to ignore that she's completely and totally British.  I am pretty sure the writers just wanted a big name guest star and thought of her and reality be damned.

That's it.  That's the biggest problem in the whole series.  You know I am right.

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