New Logo

Hey all!, so I know that in my very first post, I said I was separating my personal opinions from my professional life.  I lied.  I am writing you a quick little post to announce and reveal my new company logo.  Want to feel special and see it before anybody else?  Read on...

Edits made by Richard Case
I was going to bury it deep in the ether of this post but opted to put it right up top.

There you go.  New font.  New color scheme.

Thanks to Richard Case for his expert graphic design work.  He took my base logo, which is visible below and tweaked it to make it...better.


Designed by me a few years back.


Edits made by Richard Case
What do you think?

This means that I need to order new marketing materials and go update my online presence.  Too bad I have a show right now...

Okay, okay...I'm going!

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