Who Am I? A Technical Director

Welcome to my ongoing section about who I am.  Each post will contain just one segment of my life.  This is a way for you, my reader, to get to know me for more than the blogger on the internet that complains about Trump. Why name the series "Who Am I?"  Simple.  I love Les Miserables.  "Who Am I?" is my favorite song from my favorite musical.  So, who am I?  I am...
AF Braggins Weddings & Events

...a technical director.

A what now?

A technical director is in charge of overseeing the technical aspects of a theatrical production and of a theatrical venue. This includes lighting, sound, scenic elements, and coordination of maintenance.

It's an often overlooked title that many times gets forgotten by Producers or lumped together with Production Manager.

It means that, while I am not necessarily touching the equipment every second, I must have, at least, a working knowledge of all equipment.

It also means that I have to put together the puzzle needed to accomplish the look and feel a director wants. This means coordinating crews and leads to come together for the big picture.

I have been called the Technical Director for many productions, some of which I wasn't and I have been the Technical Director for many productions, some of which I was not hired to be as such.

It's a position that amateurs forget is needed and a position that is often taken for granted by producers. It can be stressful but the end result is a great show and that's why I do it.  If you need me to act as a technical director, visit my website!

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