Who Am I? A Father

Welcome to my ongoing section about who I am.  Each post will contain just one segment of my life.  This is a way for you, my reader, to get to know me for more than the blogger on the internet that complains about Trump. Why name the series "Who Am I?"  Simple.  I love Les Miserables.  "Who Am I?" is my favorite song from my favorite musical.  So, who am I?  I am...

On the Big Island

...a father.

I am the proud father of two amazing sons.

My oldest, Aaron, was born in 2000.  That's right.  He's 16 now and drives.  He's also a great student, talented organizer, and a general joy to hang out with.

My youngest, Tyler, was born in 2004.  You can read all about him by clicking here.  Aaron will get a birthday post this year, don't worry.

I love my kids and I will destroy you if you do anything to harm them.

I am a fairly strict father but I think if you ask them, you'll find that they have fun hanging out with dad.  We hike, go to Six Flags and the Safari Park, watch tv and movies, shoot hoops and play ping-pong, beat each other in video games, cook together, create together, and laugh together.

I know I have a little bias, but honestly, my kids are awesome.  They aren't like I was when I was young.  I got truly lucky

Both boys are smart and creative and, unfortunately for those around them, they both have my sense of humor AND my convictions.

Aaron and Tyler are perfect kids in that they are kids.  Do we ALWAYS get along?  No.  But I wouldn't be a very good father if we did.  I never set out to be their friend.  Being their father is a far more important role.  As it turns out though,  I am both.

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