Top Episodes: The Office

I love The Office.  Casting is spot on and rarely do I find an episode I don't like.  This is one of my go to shows for before bed or background viewing.  In fact, as I type this, it is playing on Netflix.  Sure, quality is often considered sub-par post Steve Carell, but I think it's still great in those later seasons.  Here's a quick look at my favorite episodes.

Great. Show.

Season 1, Episode 2: Diversity Day

This is a better pilot than the pilot is.  It really introduces you to some of the crazy yet to come.

Season 2, Episode 3: Office Olympics

This episode is the first real indication of just how well the cast works together without the headliner.  I love everything about this episode!

Season 2, Episode 11: Booze Cruise

We all know Jim loves Pam but this episode shows the real pain he feels in working next to the unobtainable love of his life.

Season 2, Episode 22: Casino Night

The first kiss!  Sure, we still have a way to go, but wow!

Season 3, Episode 8: The Merger

This is probably the greatest early episode as it brings together the cast that we all remember.  Andy, while a total douche, is a welcome addition and the triangle setup between Karen and Pam and Jim is fun.

Season 3, Episode 22: Beach Games

I love this episode strictly for the fire that comes out in Pam.  This is the first real shot for her to shine.

Season 4, Episode 4: Money

The "whomever" debate is 2 of the best minutes of television. Ever. I also like the feels Dwight shows. He's humanized in this episode.

Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye, Toby

The song.  Nothing else matters.  The song is the best!

Season 5, Episode 1: Weight Loss

The proposal is that moment we have waited 4 seasons to see.

Season 5, Episode 5: Employee Transfer

The blues sequence is one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the series.

Season 5, Episode 23: Broke

I am not going to lie, I could have done without the Micheal Scott Paper Company story arc, but the way they milk Dunder Mifflin with the assistance of Jim is fantastic and welcome!

Season 6, Episodes 4-5: Niagara

I cry every damn time at the sequence on the boat.  Jim's dialogue about his plans is touching.  This is my kind of wedding!

Season 7, Episode 12: Ultimatum

This is one of the more fun episodes of the series. To watch everyone's resolutions descend into chaos is the realest this show gets.

Season 7, Episode 16: Threat Level Midnight

This is pretty self explanatory.  Watch it.

Season 7, Episode 18: Garage Sale

You didn't know two dorks could make you cry the way this proposal does.

Season 7, Episode 21: Goodbye, Michael

Heartbreaking.  One of the best later episodes of the series by far.  Loads of tears.


How amazing is James Spader? Need a one off? Season 8, Episode 5: Spooked is a fantastic demonstration of his talent.

Season 9, Episode 4: Work Bus

I love everything in this episode but I cannot stop singing that stupid song!

Season 9, Episode 22: A.A.R.M.

The hilarity between Dwight and Jim perfectly sums up the entire series.  Perfection.  The video for Pam is even more perfect.  Seriously, if you watched only this episode, you would know everything you need to know about the show.

Season 9, Episode 23: The Finale

The wedding between two characters you didn't even realize you loved!  It is nice to see Dwight happy.  The ending in the office and the resulting termination of Pam and Jim is a series highlight.  Of course, the cameo by Steve Carell is perfect!

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