Pearl Harbor Day

I have been to Pearl Harbor thrice in my life.  The first time was in the early nineties.  The second time was in 2015 on my wedding trip. The third was with my wife and kids on our 5 year anniversary trip.  Emotionally, nothing has changed.  December 7th is Pearl Harbor Day and yes, it's a very important holiday.  It remembers the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.  Yes, I proudly fly my flag that day.  Yes, you should too...but why?  Let's learn more about it...

A sobering experience

December 7th, 1941, just before 8:00 am- The Japanese began a two hour attack on the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, bringing America into World War II.  Over 2400 died with over 1000 more wounded.  You can read about the attack here (NEW WINDOW) or you can make the trip and feel it.  Tickets are available in advance for a small transaction fee of $1.50 or completely free if you want to wait in a long line in the morning.  I recommend getting them in advance here.  (NEW WINDOW) You absolutely DO NOT need to book the expensive tours operated by outside companies.  The boat ride to the Arizona Memorial is 100% FREE.  Do not pay the $40-$60 tour companies charge.

In 1990, my family went to Hawaii.  It was 4th of July week and we visited Oahu followed by Maui.  It really was the trip of a lifetime for this 11 year old.  There are several memories I have from that trip.  I remember the maze at the Dole Plantation.  I remember a canoe ride at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  I remember seeing Diamond Head from a Waikiki beach.  I remember attending a Lee Greenwood concert at our hotel on Maui.  I remember snorkeling Black Rock and getting flipped  by a wave and cracking my head on the ocean bottom.  I remember the banyan tree.

Pretty good, right?

But mostly, from that trip, I remember Pearl Harbor.  I remember hearing about the 1102 people forever entombed on the Arizona.  I remember seeing the oil bubble to the surface.  I took photos.  I listened.  I learned.  I respected.  I did this at 11 years old.  That's how powerful the experience was for me.

In 2015, I took my fiance to Oahu before heading to the Big Island to get married and Maui for a honeymoon.  This was her second trip to Hawaii, but her first to Oahu.  This was my fourth trip to Hawaii but my second to Oahu.  I had to take her to Pearl Harbor.  My brother and his wife joined us and we all took photos.  We all listened.  We all learned.  We all respected.

25 years had gone by and the same feelings rushed back to me.  Sure, this trip, we hiked Diamond Head, toured the North Shore, walked the maze at Dole and enjoyed some snorkeling and boating on the East coast but Pearl Harbor is what we'll always remember.

In late 2019, I was proud to take my boys to experience something so powerful.

I cannot make it back to Pearl Harbor soon enough so for now, I fly my flag and I honor the 2400+ men and women that died that day.  Their sacrifice is for your freedom.

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