Wineries in Temecula

I enjoy drinking.  That's not to say I am an alcoholic and please understand, alcoholism is no joke, but I do enjoy drinking.  I also enjoy visiting places where those drinks are made.  This post is not so much about the drink alone as it is about the entire experience of the location.  Please remember to support local as often as possible.  It really does taste better.  I will update this post when I visit additional locations.


Temecula is a winery mecca no matter how far Northern California turns up their noses at it.  Temecula and wine go hand in hand and you know what?  It is good wine.  Temecula wineries are the very reason why I cannot drink crappy wine anymore.  I have touched a bit on Temecula wineries in this post but I wanted to give you a spot to read about the wineries as a whole instead of just a particular visit there.  Let me say, as a wedding planner, these wineries all make my list of places I would be more than willing to work.

Bel Vino Winery

Bel Vino Winery is a gorgeous little winery on the main drag.  We actually discovered this thanks to an internet search revealing they offer 2 for 1 wine tastings Sunday through Friday using a coupon on their website.  What a find!  Free live entertainment Saturdays and Sundays, Karaoke on Friday nights, and pretty grounds round out this spot.

Sadly, the bistro on site has VERY limited hours but I get the impression it's because they're still growing.  If the bistro is not going to be open when you go, bring a picnic and enjoy the grounds.  They are seriously gorgeous.  I didn't get a chance to go inside the house on the property but it's used as a "Bridal Suite" for weddings and let me tell you, I'd be happy to do a wedding here for sure!  The staff is also some of the friendliest in the industry.

On to the wine...It's delicious!  I splurged a little further than the $13-$16 signature tasting and sampled the pricier ports as well. The Signature Dessert Wine is amazing and yes, I ended up bringing a bottle home.  The White Merlot is also quite tasty.  They offer slightly pricey tours (in my opinion) but I have not taken one so I can't comment on the quality.  Overall, the winery is worth a stop.

Fazeli Cellars Winery

Fazeli Cellars Winery was an unplanned stop but we needed to sober up after another winery on this list so we walked up the hill to check it out.  Boy what a fortunate circumstance.  The building rises up from the ground like a castle.  Seriously, go look at the photos on their site.

A Persian winery located on the "back road" in Temecula, it's massive and stunning in a way that almost makes me feel poor.  The staff is kind and the food is yummy.  The views of the surrounding areas are gorgeous but the opulence of the building is really what's great.  The now offer tours in addition to the live entertainment on the outdoor patio and I hear they're putting in a hookah bar soon.

The wine is good but the tastings are a bit pricey in my opinion.  If you like learning about wine while tasting though, go check it out.  The staff will answer every question you have.  I also met the winemaker as well as event staff because, well, I like to talk to people and introduce myself.  I would do a wedding here in a heartbeat.  Back to the wine...There are countless wines to choose from but the Riesling is delicious.

Inn at Churon Winery

Inn at Churon Winery was a wrong turn on the main drag but the price was right on the tastings so we stopped in.  If I was describing this spot simply, I would call it a bed and breakfast.  I toured the grounds and the rooms and both are gorgeous.  There is a hint of old world charm here until you go down into the basement tasting room which feels more like a Vegas gift shop.

I would love to actually stay here once but I think it's overpriced.  That being said, the giant two person tub, beautiful room, stunning views, gourmet included breakfasts and free afternoon wine hour that comes with a reservation might make it a value.  One day, I might stay.  I understand you get a discount if you join the wine club so there's always that option.

The wine was okay.  Not bad but far from the top of this list.  Perhaps I already had so much great wine that day that my expectations were too high.  The Passionate Peach Sparkling wine was my favorite and like I said, tastings prices were spot on so give it a stop.

Keyways Winery

Keyways Winery is another located on the "Back Road" and the reason we discovered Fazeli up above.  We hit up Keyways because we found a Groupon for a wine tasting and food pairing class.  That's something I always wanted to do and wow was it amazing.  Let me start by saying the grounds are among my favorite in Temecula and are perfectly set up for weddings.  The tasting room is intimate but the bar is large.

The staff is phenomenal.  Everyone is kind and educated in their craft.  I highly recommend the tasting/pairing class.  I learned so much in that class and drank vastly more wine than I thought I would.  I also made new friends that we drunkenly hung out with the rest of the day.

The wines are all amazing.  Usually I can find at least one I didn't care for but it's just not the case here.  I think we bought a few bottles to bring home plus bought a bottle of port to share with everyone in our class that day.  The port is my favorite wine in history.  Yes, that's a big statement, but it's true.  The Viognier is good.  The Vermentino is great.  But the Port is heavenly.  Fair warning, the Port isn't cheap but unlike most ports I get, this one comes in a 750ml bottle so you really are getting a good bang for your buck.

Lorimar Loft

While technically not a winery, the Lorimar Loft is a bonus tasting room located in the heart of Old Town.  It's tucked back on a side street and the tasting room is VERY intimate, but it's worth a stop if you're in old town.  Tastings are $14 and the tender is usually happy to answer questions.  There is a cute little area in the back where you can sit with a glass and chat.

The wine is good, but it's definitely not my favorite in Temecula.  That's not to say you won't find one you enjoy.  The Field Blend is a personal favorite and the White Merlot is spectacular.  I hope to get to the actual winery one day as it's not terribly far but with so many in Temecula to visit, It's hard.  We usually hit of the Loft every time we visit Old Town.

Miramonte Winery

Miramonte Winery is the Temecula Winery equivalent of what Hangar 24 is to "Local Craft Beer".  Located on the main drag, in my opinion, they have gotten too big for their britches.  We hit this place up because of a Groupon that was supposed to include a tour, wine pairing class, and souvenir wine glass.  It included a tour that was educational and the guide was funny, polite, and informed.  The grounds are nice enough and they seem polished.  It included a tasting with a small bite per glass but I would hardly call it a class.  And the glass was blank.  You cannot call it a souvenir glass if it has no logo on it.  I can get blank wine glasses at the 99 Cent Only Stores.  They have since changed the wording online and excluded the glass.

Don't get me wrong, The tour was great!  It was a good experience but if I had paid full price, which is $75 per person, I would have demanded a refund.  That being said, I might go back for just a tasting.  The wine was good enough, though not amazing.  The food being cooked outside smelled good and the small bites we got were tasty as all get out.  Their Riesling is good and the Bin #380 was yummy.

Mount Palomar Winery

Mount Palomar Winery is amazing in many ways.  They are the first wine club I joined and it's really due to one employee named Kevin.  He happened to be working in the tasting room when we went to use our Groupon.  Located on the main street, this winery has, in my opinion, the most beautiful grounds of all the wineries I have been to.  The Bistro makes the most amazing hamburger I have ever eaten.  My buddy Richard mentions it here, I mention it here, and I am sure I will write about it in detail in a future post.

For the most part, the staff is amazing with one exception I mentioned in this post.  The wines are all phenomenal.  We are members and we get a free tasting or glass twice per month when we visit.  We usually take it as a glass now since we've done the tastings and we walk around the massive grounds to enjoy it.  I highly recommend their Sangria as it's one of the best I have ever had, especially if made by Kevin.

I think their wine club is the best value as you get way more than just discounted wine.  I discuss some perks in another post.  Their Solanus is one of my all-time favorite wines but I have yet to find one I don't like there.  They are definitely a must stop winery.

Thornton Winery

Thornton Winery is another must stop winery for us.  Located on the main road, we found this place because of a sign that read "Chocolate Wine".  We joined the wine club that day.  Membership gets us 2 discounted bottles every other month plus a discount on food at the cafe and FREE tastings every visit.  We could literally go every single day and drink free.  The grounds are nice and the outdoor dining is surprisingly cool.  The staff is friendly and the food is mostly delicious though a recent menu change has me questioning my desire to return.

So, I like most of the wines I have tried here but the chocolate wine is where it's at.  It's not what you're thinking.  It's good.  The Decadent Black Forest is my favorite.  Their Rose is also yummy.  I encourage you to give them a try and if you're looking for a starter wine club, this is it.  Join the "Sweet Wine" club and get all the perks for the lowest priced wine package.  If you get tired of the chocolate wines, you can always change them out and pay the difference.  The club is worth it just for the free tastings and substantial discount on the pricey cafe food.  Our bill usually goes from $60+ to $25ish.

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