The Murtaugh List

As I grow older, I begin to recognize my limitations.  How I Met Your Mother did an episode on this subject which is based on a character from the Lethal Weapon series.  That character is Murtaugh and his famous catchphrase is: "I'm too old for this shit ('stuff' if you're watching it on network television)".  I often use the line and thought it would be fun to give you a list of all the things I say it for.

I'm too old for this shit.

Lifting 45 pound steel bricks from under the fly rail.

Crashing on a couch.

Pulling the Main Rag in under 7 seconds.

Bending over.

Doing sit-ups or exercise of any kind.

Eating Taco Bell.

Eating McDonald's.

Staying up past midnight.

Drinking more than a glass or two of wine or beer.

Snacking after 10:00 pm.

Climbing a ladder.

Climbing truss.

Moving large set pieces.

Lifting my children. (They are 11 and 16)

Reaching above my head for any reason.

Going out on a Friday.

Playing dodge ball until 12:30 in the morning with people half my age.

Eating food and then riding a roller coaster.

Spending all day in the sun.

Lifting my dog.

Pushing a car with a dead battery.

Carrying every grocery bag inside in one trip.



Standing on my feet all day.

Going a day without ibuprofen.

Using my teeth as tools.

Sitting at strange angles.

Throwing a ball far.

and finally...

Avoiding listening to my body.

They say that Youth is wasted on the young.  They were right.

I AM too old for this shit.

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