Election Day

It's that wonderful day when we, as Americans, get to exercise our right to vote.  I could go on and on and on about not voting for Trump or you could just read about that in another post.  (NEW WINDOW)  Instead, I will try to keep this short...

Your Vote.  Your voice.

I have many opinions about the elections this year.  Specifically about the lack of a viable Republican candidate.  See, I get that the Democrats won't always win.  That's why it's important to have a Republican that, at the very least, won't set our country back two centuries.  We don't have that this year.  There is nothing we can do about that now.

What we can do is vote!  If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about our government.  You lost your opportunity to change things.


It's important and not just because we have to stop Trump from getting in the White House.  There are a variety of propositions and measures and other elected positions that require your attention.  That handy little voter's guide you got in the mail has statements about them all including arguments for and against.  That book was printed and given to you.  Use it.  Educate yourself on the issues and vote.


Don't vote your party or your family history or your friends.  Vote you.  How can your candidate help you?  How can Measure This or Proposition That change your life for the better?  Would legalizing marijuana and controlling its distribution better our economy?  Would Candidate A be a better local official?  You cannot allow the media or, God forbid, Facebook tell you the right answer.  You HAVE to research and you HAVE to vote.



My children's future is important and how we behave this Election will set the course for that future.
